Good Housekeeping
Seal Application Database

Dom & Tom worked with the Good Housekeeping Institute to streamline their Seal application process for both applicants and the internal Good Housekeeping team.

Our Client

Hearst Corporation, a long-time partner of Dom & Tom, referred Dom & Tom to the Good Housekeeping Institute, as a development and strategic partner. The Good Housekeeping Institute performs intensive and detailed quality assurance testing on a variety of products, ultimately awarding qualified products with the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. This prestigious seal is a guarantee from Good Housekeeping that the product performs exactly as intended, and meets all the standards it claims in related descriptions or advertising.

The Goal

The Good Housekeeping Seal Application Database had not been updated in over 9 years, creating inefficiencies in the application’s workflow and a slow, and non-intuitive user experience for both clients (Seal applicants) and internal users (Good Housekeeping Institute users).

Good Housekeeping was looking for a digital solution to streamline their Institute Seal Application Process for both applicants and the internal Good Housekeeping team. Dom & Tom was tasked with improving the user experience of the platform to be more efficient in execution, removing obsolete features and technical debt, enhancing the performance of the system, and incorporating additional features and functionality to improve team collaboration and process workflows for seal review and approval.

Our Plan & Process

Dom & Tom began the engagement with an extended design phase, allowing multiple rounds of wireframing and user experience design to create more productive and efficient workflows. The team engaged in several working sessions directly with the Good Housekeeping Institute team, to incorporate real time feedback into design assets.

Dom & Tom performed a full redesign of the Hearst’s Good Housekeeping Seal application database. Dom & Tom improved the user experience of the platform to be more efficient in execution and incorporated additional features and functionality to the platform to improve team collaboration and process workflow of seal review and approval.

The development team then used Django and Django Rest Framework for the product’s backend, and React Native for the frontend. The database is Postgresql with Elasticsearch to enable search within the app.

The Results

By simplifying the process for applications, the Good Housekeeping Institute has automated the engagement process for clients, the Good Housekeeping team, and the testing team. This tool has lead to an expedited process with user-friendly additions, such as smart fields, allowing the submission process to be adjusted and customized based on the product being submitted.

Additionally, through the design process, Dom & Tom completed an updated brand guidelines and refresh.

As a recently launched product, Dom & Tom looks forward to seeing the continued success of Good Housekeeping Institute’s Seal Application Database.

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