Alzheimer's Association Mobile App, “Science Hub”

Dom & Tom partnered with the Alzheimer’s Association to develop an iOS and Android mobile app that would empower the organizations’ volunteers and advocates with accurate, credible, and engaging educational content.

Our Client

The Alzheimer’s Association is the world’s leading voluntary health organization for Alzheimer’s and dementia care, support, education, and research.

For over 40 years, they have been the leading advocate for the over 6 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s, their caregivers, and their families. They’re working tirelessly to eliminate the disease—focusing on health policy and dementia care initiatives at the highest levels of the private and public sectors while providing the public with daily care, information, and support.

Our Goal

The Alzheimer’s Association has over 70+ chapters across the United States. A creative solution was needed to give these stakeholders—and those they support—access to groundbreaking research and expert insights in a timely manner.

By creating an accessible, credible digital source, The Association hoped to help eliminate misinformation and conflicting data about Alzheimer’s and dementia—empowering the public with solid science.

Our Plan & Process

Our goal was to create a centralized mobile experience that gave all these essential volunteers and advocates digestible and engaging content that they could use to advocate for their community. This meant building a mobile app in Contentful, a modern, headless CMS, which would allow it to be easily managed and maintained by The Alzheimer’s Association’s team.

We split the project into three phases spanning from discovery to development to post-launch analytics and insights. Our team used Sketch, InVision, Contentful, and React Native to design UX, build a content strategy, and craft the app experience.

Post-launch, we happily continue to work with the Association, building new features for their 25,000+ users.

Key features

  • “Viewpoints,” a quick summary of key points of published research papers
  • A feed reminder that enables users to know when they’ve caught up with the latest news and information
  • Robust search function where users can access expert opinions on topics of interest
  • A Reference library of all accumulated Alzheimer’s Association science and research content

The Results

Since it launched in 2019 it has been a tremendous success for its users. With a consistent 5-star rating on Apple’s app store, the hub is giving users more than just information. It’s giving them hope.

And it doesn’t stop there. The Alzheimer’s Association team is initiated a secondary app rollout to internal staff and advocates while working to connect their researchers to the public with the most up-to-date information available.

The Alzheimer’s Association’s mission is to rid the world of Alzheimer’s. We’re proud to help them do just that.

“This is an amazing resource for those who educate people about Alzheimer’s disease. People dealing with this disease need to know there is hope…and all of this research shows just how many people are seeking a new treatment or a cure.”

Bringing credible science, engaging content, and hope to Alzheimer’s advocates.

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