A (Short) Directory Of Practical AI Tools and Resources


Poe is Quora’s chatbot service that gives you easy access to a whole range of chatbots, all in one place. Claude, Google, Llama, ChatGPT … you can switch back and forth easily, and it’s a great tool to help you try out models. The free version limits the number of daily messages, but a subscription version offers pretty robust access for $20 a month.

There’s An AI For That

There’s An AI For That bills itself as “the largest AI aggregator” where you can search through thousands of AI tools. It’s incredibly valuable for keeping track of what’s happening in AI; you should regularly check the “Just Launched” section up top to see new stuff that’s hit the market. Recent updates include tools for call answering, coding, Q&A, data analysis, Gmail email writing, task automation, video enhancement, and on and on.

Awesome ChatGPT Prompts

As advertised, Awesome ChatGPT Prompts is a big collection of generally awesome prompt examples you can deploy with the ChatGPT model. You can add your own prompts to the list. Also includes resources for writing effective prompts, building your own prompt apps, and writing image prompts for Midjourney. Very straightforward instructions and accessible info.

Hugging Face

Hugging Face is sort of a one-stop shop for AI, with a ton of APIs and tools that help you build out open-source machine learning models. Its Transformer architecture feeds over 20,000 pre-trained models to choose from covering text, speech, vision, tabular data, and learning. We’re big fans of their Inference Endpoints for hosting and setting up quickly to prototype.

Superhuman AI

A fantastic mail client we’ve been using on top of Gmail for the last year, Superhuman is strikingly useful. We do so much email writing it can sometimes feel repetitive or stale, Superhuman injects a bit more structure so you can focus on injecting customization and creative flair. It makes your email flow way faster, and helps you organize and respond to the daily barrage of incoming messages. Check out its blog to research more.


For news, check in on the ChatGPT subreddit regarding upcoming projects, experiments, and experiences with that specific AI Model. As with all of Reddit, you sometimes have to scroll through some random opinions to get to the good stuff, but worthwhile nonetheless.


There are a lot of AI transcription services out there, but we’ve had good results from notta.ai. You can import audio and video files and get a transcribed version in seconds, and it also offers real-time transcription for meetings. Multiple subscriber plans are available, including a free version if you want to try it out. Pretty accurate, though it could use a little work on identifying separate speakers in a conversation.


Need some editing and a grammatical hard pass on what you’re writing? Grammarly is the thing. It doesn’t just flag spelling and punctuation, it looks for passive voice, clarity issues, and overall level of engagement in your writing. Plugs easily into Google Docs, and GrammarlyGO kicks it up a level with true generative AI assistance for your content creation.

iOS ChatGPT App

OpenAI finally released a free ChatGPT app for iOS in May 2023, and…it’s great. Syncs across devices and includes an open-source speech-recognition system for voice input. Also on the subject of ChatGPT, be sure to check out the growing list of plugins for GPT-4.

AI Explained

We’ve mentioned this in other posts, but AI Explained is really worth following. Every week or so it delivers a succinct, accessible run-down of news you may have missed, predictions, interesting plug-ins, and breakdowns of everything from Llama 2 to governing superintelligence.

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